Pinoy gay movies imdb 2007

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He recently starred in digital film 'Tambolista (Drumbeat)' under Cinema One, and his latest film was 'Ang Tanging Ina Niyong Lahat' with Ai-Ai de las Alas.

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Manio graduated from San Felipe Neri Parochial School and plans to study HRM in culinary studies at the De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde. He was raised by his grandfather and had a younger brother named Anjo Santos. He was born with a Japanese father Yusuke Katakura and Filipina mother Joylene Santos (who died in August 2007). He started acting at a very young age and became the youngest multi-awarded actor of his generation. Jiro Manio (born as Jirō Katakura (片倉次郎 Katakura Jirō?, ), is a Filipino actor at ABS-CBN.

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